Skins created by:, , Microsoft Corporation, Cablemusic Networks, Inc., Sony Pictures Digital, Henrik Löwenadler of SkinWerkz, Saltmine, LLC, sign define -, Joe Walker and Jon Munro, Marcus Johnson and Jennifer Young, Alfonso Roman of SkinWerkz, EMI Parlophone, Robert Chrestensen and Jon Munro of Tattoo Media, Christine Estrada and Don Olson of Tattoo Media, Adrian Black, Tattoo Media, SHAPE Group, Aimee Sher and Don Olson of Tattoo Media, ess-vid of SkinWerkz, doodle / riddlah of SkinWerkz, Ed Averett, robwest, Ilmari Heikkinen of The Skins Factory, Raveworld Networks, Inc., Hypnosis - Alfonso Roman of, Petrol Designs, joachim of SkinWerkz, and Horton Lantz Marocco.Asimov_Radio, Back to the Future Triology, Batman Begins, Blinx, Blue Crush, bluegrid, Brute Force, Cablemusic, Catwoman, cerulean, Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle, circle, claw, Colorchooser, Combat Flight Simulator 3, Compact, Constantine, Creed, Crimson Skies, Crystalball, cyberchannel, Darkling for PartyMode, Deep Blue Something, digitaldj, Dream Catcher, Ducky, Elvis, Energy Blue, Erektorset, Frostbite, gadget, Ginger Man, Ginger Woman, gnome, Gold, Goo, Gorillaz, Grinch, Half-Life 2, Halloween, Halo 2, Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, Headspace, Heart_Butterfly, HOB, holiday_skin, Ice, iMusica, Isaeli, Jaws, Jewel, Josie_and_the_Pussycats, Kenwood KDC-X959, Kids, Kung Fu Chaos, Livin' It Skate, Lollapalooza 2003, Lord of the Rings: The Battle for Middle Earth, Lost Planet, Main_Street, Mandalay, MechAssault Deluxe Edition, Media Center XP, Melvin, Military, modernblue, MSN, Nautical, Need for Speed Underground, NVIDIA Reactor, Ocean, Official Xbox Skin for Windows Media Player (MP7 and XP), Optik, pharoah, Plus! Aquarium, PLUS! BIONIC DOT, Plus! da Vinci, PLUS! HARD BOILED, PLUS! HUESHIFTER, PLUS! MECHA, Plus! Nature, PLUS! PLASMA BALL, PLUS! PROFESSIONAL, PLUS! PULSAR, PLUS! SLIMLINE, Plus! Space, polygon, Portals, PowerToys, Press The Green Button, Primitive, Project Gotham Racing 2, Quantum Redshift, Quicksilver, rad, Radio, Raptor, Rave-MP, raveworld, Revert, robbie, Roundlet, Rusty, S.T.A.L.K.E.R., Science, Scooby-Doo 2, Secura, Smart Display Blue, Smart Display Silver, Spider-man, Splinter Cell, Sports, springflower, Star Wars, Stars and Stripes, Stealth, Superman, T3 Skynet Media Player, TDK Digital MixMaster, Television, The Last Samurai, The Sentinel, The Unit, The_Doobie_Brothers, Thomas, Tomb Raider 2, Toothy, TripleX (MP7 and XP), tubeframe, Ursula, US Air Force, US Army, US Coast Guard, US Marine Corps, US Navy, Utomjording, v2_underworld, Vario, WALL-E, Wild Well Control Inc., World of Warcraft, and WWN.

Windows Media Player 9 Series Skins Collections include: