The army captures the mafia leader and in return the mafia storm an army base and kill Captain Alex. The plot revolves around conflict between the Tiger Mafia and an army troop lead by their courageous leader Captain Alex. Doubly so because the story of this action flick is stereotypically thin. The film has subtitles, but they aren’t exactly comprehensive, so it helps that Bbatte points out key points.

The video joker, Emmie Bbatte, provides running commentary throughout the film, all with a jolly Ugandan tone. So while the actors play it straight, they are complemented by what they call a ‘video joker’ - part translator, part narrator, part MST3K jokester and part hype man. RFP know what they are making is technically very poor - they’re not delusional.

And in a way you are, but in this case the filmmakers are in on the joke.

Looking at the trailer, you may see the complete lack of production values, PS1 quality CGI and blood spatter that looks like it was made in MS Paint and think you are in for a so-bad-it’s-good film. Ramon Film Productions intentions are pure - they just want to entertain. There have been a couple of bonkers micro-budget Nigerian films covered on this site before, but those had (not so) hidden conservative Christian agenda. With hard work and the help of an American that was so enamoured with the film’s trailer he went to Uganda, Who Killed Captain Alex is available for English speaking audiences and it is just fantastic that it is. In fact, Ramon Film Productions has made over twenty films but never had the software to properly archive them, meaning many of them are unable to make it to the wider world like Who Killed Captain Alex. The film studio contains some very enthusiastic Ugandans and not a whole lot of reliable technology - or electricity for that matter. At the very least it has made for an excellent article on Vice. The story behind Who Killed Captain Alex and the people behind it, Ramon Film Productions and its founder Nabwana I.G.G., is good enough to be made into its own movie.